It is the goal of Lily Kat’s that all merchandise that is put onto the floor to sell is of the best possible quality and in the best possible condition. Items should be like new.
When you bring items in the 1st time, we will go through them with you so that you know what we are looking for. After the 1st time, you will know what we are looking for!
When items are received for consignment they are sorted & checked carefully for:
Stains, tears, cuts, snags, runs, picks, missing buttons, sequins, beads broken or inoperable zippers, buckles or other fasteners, pilling, signs of excessive wash or wear, scuff marks, peeling, signs of damage or coming apart, belongings & trash left in pockets or purses, general cleanliness – laundered or dry cleaned, current and/or sellable styles
Will you launder or repair the items that I bring in? No, we do not launder or repair any items. Our guidelines state that items brought in must be clean and in good condition.
Why do I only get 40% of the selling price? Lily Kat's prides ourselves on being the most consignor friendly Consignment store around. We do not limit the number of items that you can bring in. We do not require appointments or have specific days that you can consign. We accept items hanging, in bags, boxes and other forms. We steam every article of clothing that needs it (and there are many!). We have a beautiful & extremely organized store to market your items. We pay on demand. We offer an online service so that you can track your earnings. These are all things that other stores do not offer. We believe that 40% for an item that is presented well & sells is much better than 0% for poor presentation that does not sell.
Why do you price & discount my items the way that you do? Your items are priced to move. They are not doing either one of us any good if they stay on the racks! Our 30%/50% off discount schedule is necessary to move inventory & make you money. It is important to keep merchandise cycling through the store so that our customers always have something 'new' to look forward to!
I brought in a lot of things! Why didn't you select more? When we go through your items, we look for stains, holes, tears, other signs of age & damage, pills, fading, shrinkage, excessive wear, odors, excessive lint/hair, whether in style, what our customers will purchase & therefore, what will sell. We have lots of practice because we get lots of inventory! We DO NOT reject anything that we believe will make both of us some money! Often, you may not have the time to go through this thorough process nor does your lighting at home show what our super bright florescent lights bring out. Lily Kat's does everything we can to only select the best items so that our store continues to sell only the nicest things. Please do not feel offended if we decline one or more of your items. It is our goal to maintain quality and consistency. If there is an item that does not show up in your inventory, it is because it did not meet our guidelines for some reason. We sincerely appreciate that you trust us to make the decision on what we can and cannot accept.
Why can't I get all of my items back if not selected or not sold? It is our policy that you can retrieve items that we price at $25.00 or more if they do not sell. All other items will be donated to one of our chosen not-for-profit charities here in the local community. We do this because we have over 5600 consignors and our time and space is limited to making you money rather than handling items that will not. You will receive a tax donation form although we cannot keep a record of what is donated on your behalf.
What can I do to make money consigning with Lily Kat's? Take the time to look at your items through the eyes of a potential customer. Would you buy it? Fold neatly or hang your items to bring them in. Wipe the dust off of those shoes and shake out those purses. The less prep required by us, the quicker we can get them out & the sooner you can start making money. Look around our store when you are here. You will see that we only select items that are in nice condition. Many of our customers are surprised when they learn that this is a "second-hand" store! When the merchandise is carefully selected, it is more likely to sell & our customers love that we sell the nicest things.
Why didn't you accept my "designer" purse? Any purse or other article that is obviously not authentic will not be accepted. Any counterfeit that is left here in the store will be destroyed. If we are unsure, we may obtain professional assistance for authentication. Any fakes will be destroyed. We follow all Federal Trademark Laws and are serious about taking counterfeits out of circulation. Your understanding is appreciated.
Brochures are available in the store that outline all of our policies in detail. PLEASE read through the brochure so that you are certain of how things work here at Lily Kat's!
More questions? Use the "Contact Us" tab & send us an email.